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Ear acupuncture german

Ear acupuncture is a separate method independent of body acupuncture. It assumes that different regions of the ear can be assigned to specific body points, similar to reflex zone therapy on the foot.

In the holistic treatment, the ear acupuncture supports physical and mental healing processes and stabilizes the body`s own processes.

The ear acupuncture may be helpful when suffering for instance from

  • acute pain (eg lumbago),
  • migraine,
  • muscle tension, regular cramps or tightness,
  • all kinds of allergies,
  • sleep disorders,
  • restlessness,
  • asthma …

It may used to strengthen the immune system in case of susceptibility to infection, to accompany weight loss and smoking cessation.

The method I use was developed by the French physician Paul Nogier (1908-1996)

If you have any further questions, please contact me.

Your contact person:

Judith Vogler

Phone: 069 / 133 989 53
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